增加就业机会. 接受高等教育的机会. 更大的收入潜力.

Our 普通教育发展(GED)准备 Program offers classes to help 你在准备普通教育文凭考试. 

的 普通教育发展(GED)准备 Program is designed for students who want to 获得证书 equivalent to a high school diploma (without returning 到高中)通过为他们准备普通教育文凭考试.

Our 课程 topics include test taking strategies, hands-on computer practice testing, 方便地前往当地的GED考试中心. 我们的课程也为你准备 通往其他非信贷或信贷项目的途径.

注:GED课程有限制.  你的课程安排将基于 评估过程.


完成以下课程 获得证书!

  • GED 4001 -语言艺术
  • GED 4002 -数学
  • GED 4003 -科学
  • GED 4004 -社会研究


GED 课程 have restrictions and you will not be able to register without completing 分班考试,和辅导员见面. 你的位置将基于 评估过程 which includes information such as your high school grades, test scores, work experience, other multiple measures. 辅导员可能会推荐安置 在满足你需要的水平上. 去 评估/位置, 与咨询师会面 获取有关这些要求的信息.

Note: GED (High School) assessment/placement test scores are valid for 2 years. 你 do not need to retake tests if your scores are still valid.

*西班牙语双语选项 - 的 GED Prep program also offers a Bilingual option, which teaches you the same 技能,但用西班牙语提供课程. 通识教育发展——双语 program prepares students for the General 教育 Development (GED) Spanish exam.


  • 4101 -英语双语
  • 4102 -数学双语
  • 格得4103 -科学双语
  • GED 4104-社会研究-双语

A Certificate of Competency is awarded upon successful completion of all required 课程. 


If you have completed and passed all of the required 课程 in each program, submit 请愿表格"适任证书申请书.




  1. 通过语言艺术推理(RLA)
  2. 数学推理
  3. 科学
  4. 社会研究

Each area has a specific number of multiple choice questions and must be completed 在一定的时间内. 你会 also be expected to complete an essay portion. 问题难易程度不一

To be eligible to take the GED, you must meet the following requirements (Based on 证券交易委员会. 《太阳城集团官方网址导航》第5编第11532条).


  • 你 must be at least age 18, or within 60 days of your 18th birthday.
  • If you are age 17, you have a written request from the armed forces, an employer, or a college or university, a letter from the last high school you attended indicating your exemption from enrollment was granted at least 60 days previously, you may be 有资格参加考试.
  • If you are age 17, within 60 days of the date you would have graduated with your class if you had remained in regular high school, you have a letter from the school verifying the date, you may also be 有资格参加考试.


  • 你 have not graduated from an accredited high school in the United States
  • 你 have not received a high school equivalency certificate/diploma
  • 你 have not earned a GED exam score sufficient to qualify for a high school equivalency 任何州的证书/文凭

考点分布在各个城市.  在帕萨迪纳,官方的普通教育文凭考试 is provided by the 帕萨迪纳市 社区 Testing Center located at 351 S. 哈德逊,帕萨迪纳市 CA 91106. When you successfully complete the GED Exam with the required passing scores, 你将获得高中同等学历证书.

At the 帕萨迪纳市 社区 Testing Center, a pre-registration appointment is required 参加正式的普通教育文凭考试. 考试费用目前为每次考试35美元. 费用是 在PearsonVue注册期间支付. 你 must also present official photo identification verifying your name, date of birth, signature, current address. 高中学历证明 不接受卡片.

你准时到达是很重要的. 迟到会危及你的能力 以便有足够的时间进行测试. 迟到的学生也可能失去他们的名额 to another testing candidate, a "no show" will require an additional fee.

你会 receive your GED certificate as long as you complete all areas of the exam 并获得最低及格分数. 所有的考试都由教育考试评分 在加州奥克兰服务. A minimum passing score is an average of 450 for all five tests (a total score of 2,250), with no individual test score below 410. 你的 counselor can give you more information about scores.

After you complete the exam, it takes approximately two weeks to receive your official exam results and your State GED Certificate (if you have a passing score). 你会 receive your results directly from the State GED Office via US mail. 考试成绩 不是通过电话提供的.

We highly recommended that you participate in preparation classes, including taking a practice exam, before scheduling an appointment 参加正式的普通教育文凭考试. 的 preparation classes and practice exam are free of charge.


Special accommodations for testing are available for GED candidates with documented 残疾的人.

If you do not pass a section, you can re-take the test up to three times on the same 受试者无需等待. After the third attempt, there is a 60-day waiting period 在再次尝试之前.

After you complete the exam, it takes approximately two weeks to receive your official exam results and your State GED Certificate (if you have a passing score).


Use the guide below to start taking classes in the 霍利尔准备 Program. 更多的 详细说明,请到 如何上非学分课程

  1. 在课程表中查看课程的可用性

    To find 霍利尔准备 课程 in the class schedule, look for the subject 通识教育发展.


  2. 选择你是哪种类型的学生:


    1. 适用于非信用
      • Create an OpenCCC account if you don’t have one already.
    2. 通过电子邮件接收欢迎信
    3. 激活您的LancerPoint帐户
    4. 完成分班测试
    5. 与咨询师会面
    6. 检查您的注册状态日期 LancerPoint
    7. 报名参加 LancerPoint 使用CRN # 

    Follow these steps if you are returning to PCC after an absence of 1 or more major 学期(s):

    1. 重新申请非信用
      • Create an OpenCCC account if you don’t have one already.
    2. 通过电子邮件接收欢迎信
    3. 重新激活您的LancerPoint帐户
    4. 完成分班测试
      • Only if you’ve never taken High School Assessment tests -OR-  if it has been more than 2 years since your last High School Assessment test
    5. 与咨询师会面
    6. 检查您的注册状态日期 LancerPoint
    7. 报名参加 LancerPoint 使用CRN # 

    Follow these steps if you are a current or continuing PCC student (noncredit or credit):

    1. 完成分班测试
      • Only if you’re new to GED Prep classes and have never taken High School Assessment 测试之前.
    2. 与咨询师会面
    3. 检查您的注册状态日期 LancerPoint
    4. 报名参加 LancerPoint 使用CRN #